Thursday, April 2, 2009

Starting Over

I just turned another year older and I'm just about to start my Blog. I tried to start one too many times but only managed to get 3 posts on it in a span of 4 years. Pathetic! I have always had the passion for writing however, I've been concentrating on the wrong things like making others richer and ending up sicker than ever rather than pursuing a career in writing which I have always had a passion for.

There's no use crying over spilled milk! It's never too late to start over!

2009 is a year of new beginnings for me as I have finally taken that huge step of taking the challenge of working full time from home. It's never easy starting over but dedication, patience, focus, and hard work means a better year up ahead.

I will share income opportunities that would work for me with others who would like to take on the same challenge as I have of working from home and surviving in this blog on top of things that I just feel like writing about. So learn and earn with me.

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