Sunday, April 26, 2009

What you MUST have when you work at home full time

One thing that I learned the hard way and have overlooked is the single most important requirement that you need when you opt to work from home is A FAST AND STABLE INTERNET CONNECTION and a BACK UP THAT WORKS!!!

I should know, I hybernated for a while due to a very bad mishap with my broadband provider that loses connectivity even with the slightest power fluctuation or downpour. They claim they don't have a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) which is why their system reboots for a minimum of 2 hours everytime this unfortunate event happens. How many subscribers do they have anyway? Isn't this an investment that they should prioritize???

Well, giving them the benefit of the doubt, they can be fairly fast most of the time but you just have to include a stable internet connection for the day when you say your morning prayers specially when your main source of income is writing and you have a paper to submit.

It's difficult to get another backup internet connection when you're just starting out which is why the best alternative or back up that beginners prefer is of course still pre-paid dial up which can drive you nuts when you've been used to broadband. But then again, it's better than no internet connection at all so this should temporarily do the trick.

Mobile phone providers offer wireless broadband internet services for as low as 15 pesos for 30 minutes of internet access, and just recently another competitor is offering 10 pesos for an hour of internet access. This is a good back up but make sure you load your prepaid credits or you might ran out when you are in dire need to turn over your writing.

Securing a good back up internet provider would come later when you have something stable to get you by everyday. But until then, make do with what you have and just add a little prayer to your daily regimen.

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